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Sabtu, 29 Desember 2018

Ebook Entreleadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches

Ebook Entreleadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches

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Entreleadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches

Entreleadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches

Entreleadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches

Ebook Entreleadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches

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Entreleadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 6 hours and 15 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Abridged

Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio Release Date: September 20, 2011

Language: English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

My younger friend was on the brink of depression about her MLM business and chaos about her employees. So I ordered this book for her.As she's not keen in English I had to read it first and convey the lessons to her later. But I was the one who got my eyes opening because of the book.As usual, the strength of Dave Ramsay is his great writing style. You feel like he was talking to you heart to heart, one on one. No high vocabulary, no non-sense. But what astonishes me so much is his spiritual insight on business. I never read or encounter any business mentors who teach these spiritual insights before.1. "Start with the dream, end with the goal"Dreams are good but in the end your goal must be very clear since day 1. That's when dreams become visions.2. "Setting CORE GOAL of your business"CORE means the values inside you. What you truly want your business to accomplish. For example my friend's business is lingerie. She needs to find her business core goal, such as, "self-love" or "make women feel beautiful and worthy".Dave's core goal is not only giving lessons on debt and entrepreneurship to people but give them HOPE. Hope is Dave's company's core goal and when the book sellers deliver his books to people they deliver "hope".3. "Hire people with the SAME VALUES as yours"My friend still struggles with this lesson. She felt she was unlucky to have bad employees around her. (Which Dave insists there's no such thing. Everything comes from the head, US, the leaders.)4. "Set your business' mission statement which aligns with your faith (either religious or personal faith).This hits me the most because it's not what I expect to hear. (Though I'm a Buddhist I understand what Dave means by that.)Dave gave a very good example of how he used the bible as his business' inspiration.Another example that hits me emotionally, the annual party Dave arranged for his "team members" and their families. His son was with him on that day also. As a hired director of companies and in my own business I fired people a lot. I mean "a lot". The party story that Dave wrote about 97 young kids running around playing games with their dads and moms and with another kids of another team members, he told his son about the consequences of leaders. If Dave screwed up at his job or made mistakes they would effect those young kids too because Dave's mistakes mean the kids' dads and moms could lose their jobs.Wow, that was the revelation for me and it changed my perspective forever.

There is so much to like about this book. I'm a small business entrepreneur and his advice will work for a team of two or three just as much as a team of 2000. I think the only thing I don't like is he forgets what it was like to be doing one's own books and there isn't any suggestion to get someone on board who can do them for you when you grow beyond your simple spreadsheet. If you don't know what you don't know, it's hard to realize when you're in over your head!

I own a small business that currently has 3 employees and is rapidly growing. I read this book a year ago at the recommendation of another small business owner and found it to be the most helpful book I've ever read on business, though the The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It is a very close second. I've read dozens of business books and this is the best. Every single one of his chapters sets a solid framework for the essential elements of running a business. It starts with setting goals and making them clear and trackable. He give tips for prioritizing and time management. He helps with how to hire employees, train them, communicate to them, encourage them, compensate them and fire them if necessary. He goes through marketing, sales, accounting, financing, and vendors. Basically, every single aspect to running a business is covered, and Dave walks you through step by step how to implement these principles.If I hadn't read this book last year, there's no way I would be where I am today. I wouldn't have had a plan, been able to motivate employees, or handle the growth we experienced. I even had one of my employees read certain chapters of this book throughout the year to get us on the same page and help him grow in his leadership capabilities. I'm planning to read it again this year in order to try to take my business to the next level again. I compiled in the back a list of other books that he cited in the book as I read - in itself it is a great bibliography for business and leadership. And be sure not to miss the bonus chapters online, they're just as good as the rest of the book.I highly recommend this book to anyone who owns a business or is in management to any degree.

This book is awesome. That's got a ton of great information for business owners and leaders. There's so much to implement. I've gone back to this book and the website multiple times to create vision, mission, and next I need to work on core values. The chapter on hiring staff is awesome. The entreleadership podcast is a really awesome supplement to this

I really enjoyed this book. It's nice to hear from someone who has some practical advice for running a business. We have been in business for over 25 years, and the take-away from this book was still extremely helpful. Relationships can be difficult, and Dave's practical advise, based on experience, gave me much confidence in making decisions.

I'm an employee, not an employer. But, as a leader within my company, I found this book to be very helpful.

There is a lot of great material in this book. It's told more as a personal experience and how you can apply his experience and those of other Entreleaders to the various aspects of your business. This is definitely a leadership and business book to keep as a periodic reference. Unfortunately, I read this book when I did not hold a leadership position nor did I have my own business. But that does not mean that I don't apply some of the more important principles like integrity and honesty in my roles. I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey and his show because he doesn't sugarcoat or dance around serious topics. I hope you enjoy the read.

Great book on business practices, leading teams and watching your bottomline.Very good insights into running and growing a business. Unique from other biz books.This supports One Minute Manager books in terms of respecting employees while still being real with them.Many useful ideas in here Ramsey has used.

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Entreleadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches PDF

Entreleadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches PDF

Entreleadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches PDF
Entreleadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches PDF

Kamis, 22 November 2018

Download Sweet Valley High # 2: Secrets

Download Sweet Valley High # 2: Secrets

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Sweet Valley High # 2: Secrets

Sweet Valley High # 2: Secrets

Sweet Valley High # 2: Secrets

Download Sweet Valley High # 2: Secrets

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Sweet Valley High # 2: Secrets

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

CHAPTER1Jessica Wakefield smoothed the front of her new Hawaiian-print Roxy dress and held her head high as she strode along the outdoor walkway to her locker at Sweet Valley High. She heard a couple of giggles as she passed by a group of sophomores, but couldn't tell exactly whom they'd come from, so she just shot the whole group a look of death until they all clammed up; then she kept right on walking.Sooner or later the chatter about what had happened to her last Saturday night was going to die down, and if Jessica had anything to say about it, it would be sooner rather than later.Her best friends, Cara Walker and Lila Fowler, stood near the wall up ahead, their heads bent together as they chatted happily. Friendly faces. Thank God."Hey, guys!" Jessica called out, grabbing her lock.Cara instantly closed her cell phone and shoved it behind her back, looking guilty."What was that?" Jessica asked suspiciously."Oh, nothing," Cara said. She turned to her own locker mirror to check her long, dark hair. Then she glanced sidelong at Lila and they both cracked up."You haven't deleted the pictures yet, have you," Jessica accused Cara, whipping open her locker. "Cara! You promised me you'd get rid of them!""We're sorry, Jess, but come on," Lila said, taking Cara's phone out of her hand. "These are hilarious."She held out the phone with her perfectly manicured fingers, as if Jessica really wanted to see how Cara had caught the worst moment of her life on her camera phone. She glanced over, thinking maybe it hadn't been as bad as she recalled, and there she was, pulling herself out of the Sweet Valley High School pool, fully clothed, with black mascara running down her face. In the background, a couple of kids laughed as if they were about to bust something. Nope. It was just as bad as she remembered."I swear, if that little stunt Elizabeth pulled keeps me from getting nominated for homecoming queen, I am going to take pictures of her in the shower and post them on her precious little blog," Jessica ranted, shoving a couple of books into her locker and closing it with a bang."God, Jess. Take a joke," Lila said, rolling her big brown eyes. She fished in her Louis Vuitton backpack for a pot of lip gloss and nudged Cara aside so that she could see her reflection while she applied. "Besides, half the school still thinks it was Liz who got dunked, not you. There's no way you don't make homecoming court."Jessica sighed and looked in her locker mirror. Her shoulder-length blond hair looked perfect, not a strand out of place, and her new blue eyeliner really brought out her stunning Pacific blue eyes. The gold lavaliere necklace she always wore-a present from her parents on her sixteenth birthday-fell just above the neckline of her new dress. She looked perfect today, she knew. But homecoming court votes were already in. Looking perfect today wouldn't help her."You know, technically, we should still dump Liz in the pool," Cara pointed out, her green eyes thoughtful. "The tradition is that the Insider columnist gets dunked, right? Well, Liz is the Insider columnist, but she made us all believe you were her so that you would get dunked. Ergo, she needs to get wet."Jessica smirked. "I like the way you think, Cara Walker.""Since when do you say 'ergo'?" Lila asked, a tiny wrinkle in her otherwise beautiful tan brow."Since I started taking that SAT course," Cara responded with a sniff."Attention, students!" Principal Cooper's voice suddenly boomed over the PA system. "We have your results for this year's homecoming court.""Omigod! This is it!" Jessica gasped, grabbing Lila's and Cara's arms. A sizzle of anticipation raced through the warm California air. Most of the people in the outdoor hallway stopped gabbing so they could hear. Jessica held her breath."First, your candidates for homecoming king," the principal announced. There was a shuffling of papers and he cleared his throat. "They are . . . Winston Egbert.""What?" Jessica cried, causing Lila and Cara to laugh. "Is this the joke court?" Winston was basically the biggest dork in school. Jessica had always thought he looked just like that Waldo guy from the Where's Waldo? books."Ken Matthews," the principal continued."Okay, well at least that makes sense," Jessica added as Ken, the gorgeous, blond captain of the football team, accepted congratulations from his friends down the hall."Bruce Patman."Yes! Jessica cheered silently. She'd had a crush on Bruce ever since she'd known what the word "crush" meant, and she'd been counting on his making the homecoming court."And Todd Wilkins," the principal finished."Shocker," Lila said, rolling her eyes.Of course Elizabeth's perfect boyfriend would make it. If he didn't, he might be less than perfect."And now your candidates for homecoming queen," Principal Cooper continued. "Lila Fowler."Lila preened, flicking her light brown hair over her shoulder and running a fingertip along one plucked eyebrow. The people around her applauded, and Jessica smiled, even though inside she was burning with jealousy and dread. Jealousy that Lila always got everything, dread that her own name might not also be on the list."Enid Rollins.""Okay. Now I know this is a joke," Jessica said."Hey!" Lila protested, whacking her with the back of her hand."What? I mean, Enid? Come on. She might be an even bigger loser than Winston," Jessica said."And she's your sister's best friend," Lila pointed out. "So what does that make Liz?"Jessica shot Lila a silencing look. Jessica could bad-mouth her twin as much as she wanted, but she didn't like it when other people tried to do the same."You get one hot boyfriend and all of a sudden you're homecoming court material," Cara said with a sigh, leaning back against the wall."You think that's why? Because she's going out with Ronnie Edwards?" Jessica asked, incredulous."Well, he's new. He's hot. He's all mysterious and brooding," Cara said with a shrug. "When she snagged him it totally upped her It factor."Jessica pondered this. She'd never quite thought of Ronnie Edwards as mysterious and brooding-more silent and robotic-but she could see how some girls might find him attractive. Maybe Cara was on to something."Elizabeth Wakefield," the principal continued.Oh, please, please, please let the last name be mine! Jessica begged the popularity gods."And Jessica Wakefield," he finished."Yes!" Jessica shouted, jumping up and down.Cara laughed, but Lila shot her a look of disdain. "Very sophisticated, Jess. Not at all embarrassing."Jessica composed herself and accepted congratulations from Ken and his friends as they passed by. Then she saw Bruce himself come around the corner, and it was as if everything just switched into slow motion. He walked down the center of the hall as though he owned the place, his dark hair shiny in the sun, that perpetual smirk in his brown eyes. He was wearing a pristine blue Ralph Lauren sweater and distressed jeans, and looked like he could sail off on his yacht at any second. Which, of course, with his family's money, he could probably do. Jessica watched him until he strolled by, hoping for that rare and coveted hello."Ladies," he said with a brief nod.Jessica almost melted."Wow, Jess. You look like you just saw your first Roberto Cavalli," Lila commented snidely. "Try rolling your tongue back into your mouth."Cara snorted a laugh that brought Jessica back to earth."I don't care what you think, Lila," Jessica said, tossing her hair back. She gave herself a confident, steadying look in the mirror, hoping her crazy heartbeat would chill out before she overheated. "Bruce Patman is going to be mine eventually. And now that we're in homecoming court together, I'm that much closer."

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Product details

Series: Sweet Valley High (Book 2)

Mass Market Paperback: 176 pages

Publisher: Laurel Leaf (April 8, 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9780440422631

ISBN-13: 978-0440422631

ASIN: 0440422639

Product Dimensions:

4 x 0.5 x 6.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.2 ounces

Average Customer Review:

3.6 out of 5 stars

29 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#937,456 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This book features some of Jessica's nastiest and most selfish behavior as she and her sorority pals gang up on overweight Robin, a girl who wants to join their clique. Elizabeth tries to help Robin, but her plan may backfire because it relies on help from notoriously self-absorbed Bruce Patman.Looking at Jessica's nastiness through 21st century eyes is illuminating -- when I read this book as a girl, bullying didn't have nearly the attention that it does today. As a result, the casual treatment of Jessica's cruelty is sometimes jarring. Despite the subject matter, this is still a fun and light read that doesn't go too deep. At the end of the day, even Robin doesn't seem too upset by what happened.Some of the reviews of the paperback version note changes to the text. As far as I can tell, the Kindle version duplicates what I read when I was young (that is, the Wakefield twins are described as size 6, not size 2). If you want to read the original, go with the Kindle version.

Like many 30 and 40 somethings, I discovered the Sweet Valley High universe as a young teen. As a 13 year old, I worshipped these books. 20 years later, I re-read them and was amazed at how hilariously awful they really were. But that was part of the fun, and it didn't diminish my pleasure in them - until I got around to re-reading this one.I was a fat 13 year old. As a result, I was often the subject of ridicule from the Mean Girl types in my class, much like poor Robin Wilson. However, unlike Robin, my extra pounds did not obliterate my brain cells and make me a mouth-breathing idiot. I was not dense enough that I would have thought the Queen Bee of the popular girls wanted me to be her best friend, rather than her slave. I was not completely devoid of pride to the extent that I would have humiliated myself to try to fit in with the cool crowd. Even though I was fat! Yes, Francine Pascal - fat does not equal dumb and unlikable.But the most important difference between Robin Wilson and me was that I never managed to go on a diet and lose a ton of weight to the point where I was unrecognizable, within the space of a few weeks. But because Robin DID drop roughly a hundred pounds (and simultaneously gain a hundred IQ points, because according to Francine, all thin people are smart and likeable) and lived happily ever after with the cool crowd at Sweet Valley High, my impressionable 13 year old self assumed that it was possible to do so. And I tried, and failed, because I didn't know how to eat and exercise in a healthy way. That made me think that I really was destined to be a fat loser for the rest of my life. That's a pretty harsh self-image for a 13 year old. I wonder how many other fat girls read this book and thought less of themselves because of it?With last year's "Sweet Valley Confidential" and this year's "The Sweet Life" hitting the bookstores and e-readers, I've found many fellow former SVH devotees who have also re-discovered the magical world of perfect size 6 figures and Pacific blue eyes. There are whole online communities devoted to snarky discussions of the wonderful awfulness. Taking the Sweet Valley books for what they are - poorly written fairy tales - I can still enjoy them, in a much different manner than when I was a teenager. And yet when it comes to this particular book, there's still a sore place in me that hasn't quite healed.

When I was younger I use to love this book series. I ordered it as a gift for my daughter. I wanted to try and get her into reading. She is a teenager and her main interest is her electronic gadgets. This series seem to have done the trick. She enjoyed the book. And keeps bothering me to buy her the rest. The book came quickly and in excellent condition. I am purchasing the rest of the series.

I think this is a great book!It was very cute and I rate it 5 stars! I am in love with these book and I just want to read them all!I am going on to book 5 and I am so excited to read it!


Best series ever

Brought back so many great memories!I chose the five star rating because it is easy reading and I could relate to the story back then and all these years later I can still relate to how the author conveyed the trials and tribulations of the twins!I would definitely recommend this this story as well as the series to anyone.Way to go Amazon!!

After reading some of the pages in the preview, I realized it's not the original version, but a modernized version of it. I really wanted the original.

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Sweet Valley High # 2: Secrets PDF

Jumat, 09 November 2018

Ebook Free Vehicle Maintenance Log Book: Repairs And Maintenance Record Book for Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles and Other Vehicles with Parts List and Mileage Log, ... x 9" (Vehicle Maintenance Logs) (Volume 52)

Ebook Free Vehicle Maintenance Log Book: Repairs And Maintenance Record Book for Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles and Other Vehicles with Parts List and Mileage Log, ... x 9" (Vehicle Maintenance Logs) (Volume 52)

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Vehicle Maintenance Log Book: Repairs And Maintenance Record Book for Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles and Other Vehicles with Parts List and Mileage Log, ... x 9" (Vehicle Maintenance Logs) (Volume 52)

Vehicle Maintenance Log Book: Repairs And Maintenance Record Book for Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles and Other Vehicles with Parts List and Mileage Log, ... x 9

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Vehicle Maintenance Log Book: Repairs And Maintenance Record Book for Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles and Other Vehicles with Parts List and Mileage Log, ... x 9

About the Author

Moito Publishing produces books on a variety of topics that will help you unwind, enjoy yourself, keep organize and be creative! Our collection of family-friendly books are loved by both kids and adults.

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Product details

Series: Vehicle Maintenance Logs (Book 52)

Paperback: 106 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (December 18, 2017)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1981761543

ISBN-13: 978-1981761548

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.2 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.5 out of 5 stars

11 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#29,485 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

My brother LOVES keeping track of his expenses for his car. This is absolutely "perfect" for him. He's had one before, needed another one, so I got him this.

Fits in the glove box in both my large s u v and my small sports car.

Nice compact book. Would like more pages for gas log.

Was looking for a simple log to just jot down any maintenance done on my Jeep - this book is perfect - just what I was seeking.

Too large I returned them! They would not fit in my glove box.

Does exactly what it claims wish it was a bit smaller

Very helpful for a vehicle or motorcycle maintenance logs.

boss liked these and suits the purpose.

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Selasa, 30 Oktober 2018

Ebook Free How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character, by Paul Tough

Ebook Free How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character, by Paul Tough

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How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character, by Paul Tough

How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character, by Paul Tough

How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character, by Paul Tough

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How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character, by Paul Tough Review

Q&A with Paul Tough Q. What made you want to write How Children Succeed? A. In 2008, I published my first book, Whatever It Takes, about Geoffrey Canada and the Harlem Children’s Zone. I spent five years reporting that book, but when I finished it, I realized I still had a lot of questions about what really happens in childhood. How Children Succeed is an attempt to answer those questions, which for many of us are big and mysterious and central in our lives: Why do certain children succeed while other children fail? Why is it, exactly, that poor children are less likely to succeed, on average, than middle-class children? And most important, what can we all do to steer more kids toward success? Q. Where did you go to find the answers? A. My reporting for this book took me all over the country, from a pediatric clinic in a low-income San Francisco neighborhood to a chess tournament in central Ohio to a wealthy private school in New York City. And what I found as I reported was that there is a new and groundbreaking conversation going on, out of the public eye, about childhood and success and failure. It is very different than the traditional education debate. There are economists working on this, neuroscientists, psychologists, medical doctors. They are often working independently from one another. They don’t always coordinate their efforts. But they’re beginning to find some common ground, and together they’re reaching some interesting and important conclusions. Q. A lot of your reporting for this book was in low-income neighborhoods. Overall, what did you learn about kids growing up in poverty? A. A lot of what we think we know about the effect of poverty on a child’s development is just plain wrong. It’s certainly indisputable that growing up in poverty is really hard on children. But the conventional wisdom is that the big problem for low-income kids is that they don’t get enough cognitive stimulation early on. In fact, what seems to have more of an effect is the chaotic environments that many low-income kids grow up in and the often stressful relationships they have with the adults around them. That makes a huge difference in how children’s brains develop, and scientists are now able to trace a direct route from those early negative experiences to later problems in school, health, and behavior. The problem is that science isn’t yet reflected in the way we run our schools and operate our social safety net. And that’s a big part of why so many low-income kids don’t do well in school. We now know better than ever what kind of help they need to succeed in school. But very few schools are equipped to deliver that help. Q. Many readers were first exposed to your reporting on character through your article in the New York Times Magazine in September 2011, which was titled "What If the Secret to Success Is Failure?" How does failure help us succeed? A. That’s an idea that I think was best expressed by Dominic Randolph, the head of the Riverdale Country School, an exclusive private school in the Bronx where they’re now doing some interesting experiments with teaching character. Here’s how he put it: "The idea of building grit and building self-control is that you get that through failure. And in most highly academic environments in the United States, no one fails anything." That idea resonated with a lot of readers. I don’t think it’s quite true that failure itself helps us succeed. In fact, repeated failures can be quite devastating to a child’s development. What I think is important on the road to success is learning to deal with failure, to manage adversity. That’s a skill that parents can certainly help their children develop--but so can teachers and coaches and mentors and neighbors and lots of other people. Q. How did writing this book affect you as a parent? A. My wife and I became parents for the first time just as I started reporting this book, and our son Ellington is now three. Those are crucial years in a child’s development, and I spent a lot of them reading papers on the infant brain and studies on attachment and trauma and stress hormones, trying not to get too overwhelmed. In the end, though, this research had a surprising effect: it made me more relaxed as a parent. When Ellington was born, I was very much caught up in the idea of childhood as a race--the faster a child develops skills, the better he does on tests, the better he’ll do in life. Having done this reporting, I’m less concerned about my son’s reading and counting ability. Don’t get me wrong, I still want him to know that stuff. But I think he’ll get there in time. What I’m more concerned about is his character--or whatever the right synonym is for character when you’re talking about a three-year-old. I want him to be able to get over disappointments, to calm himself down, to keep working at a puzzle even when it’s frustrating, to be good at sharing, to feel loved and confident and full of a sense of belonging. Most important, I want him to be able to deal with failure. That’s a difficult thing for parents to give their children, since we have deep in our DNA the urge to shield our kids from every kind of trouble. But what we’re finding out now is that in trying to protect our children, we may actually be harming them. By not giving them the chance to learn to manage adversity, to cope with failure, we produce kids who have real problems when they grow up. Overcoming adversity is what produces character. And character, even more than IQ, is what leads to real and lasting success.

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From Booklist

*Starred Review* Debunking the conventional wisdom of the past few decades that disadvantaged children need to develop basic reading and counting skills before entering school, Tough argues that they would be better served by learning such skills as grit, conscientiousness, curiosity, and optimism. It boils down to a debate about precognitive versus noncognitive skills of self-regulation or, simply put, character. Tough (Whatever It Takes, 2008) spent two years interviewing students, teachers, and administrators at failing public schools, alternative programs, charter schools, elite schools, and a variety of after-school programs. He also interviewed psychologists, economists, and neuroscientists and examined the latest research on character education beyond the bromides of the Left and Right to discover what actually works in teaching children skills that will aid them in school and in life, whatever the circumstances of their childhoods. Most compelling are Tough’s portraits of adolescents from backgrounds rife with poverty, violence, drug-addicted parents, sexual abuse, and failing schools, who manage to gain skills that help them overcome their adversities and go on to college. Tough ultimately argues in favor of research indicating that these important skills can be learned and children’s lives saved. A very hopeful look at promising new research on education. --Vanessa Bush

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Product details

Hardcover: 231 pages

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (September 4, 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0547564654

ISBN-13: 978-0547564654

ASIN: 0547564651

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.9 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 15.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.4 out of 5 stars

929 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#33,453 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Paul Toughs book starts out with a few great chapters challenging the conventional thoughts of why children in poverty do not complete their education. The basic premise student intelligence or teacher quality is not near as important as performance character traits, such as grit, executive function, self-control, optimism. These are traits that are easily formed in children growing up in stress free environments with plenty of parent attention and affection, but are missing is children growing up in poverty with disjointed families, drug abuse, and other forms of chronic stress.But after these first few chapters, the book really falters. Its like the book is a collection of essays or articles on school reform, which are then tacked together loosely with this idea of character helping children succeed. And while each chapter is well researched and referenced, the cumulative result is a lot of contradictory data, and no response to the question you wish this book would answer: How do children succeed?What do I mean by contradictory data? Well, despite the premise that teacher quality does not matter much, the book spends a lot of time praising innovative teachers or teaching programs. Despite giving research to show that ACT/SAT scores are not a good indicator of college graduation, he examines how some schools have been successful in getting their povery students into colleges by cramming them for the ACT tests. And despite showing how learning chess can teach character skills like patience, determination, etc, the book also demonstrates that skills on the chess board do not necessarily translate to skills in the classroom or in the real world. Near the end of the book, Tough even admits that all of the studies that have identified what matters most in raising test scores and graduation rates of children living in poverty is misleading, because in reality the majority of improvements found by these innovative teaching methods are found in children that are poor enough to qualify for school meal plans, but not technically living below the poverty line.Perhaps the most upsetting point of the book was near the end when Tough (who grew up middle to upper middle class) tries to relate to the poverty students by describing the time he dropped out of Columbia his freshman year and using his tuition money to take a Kerouac-esque bicycle trip. Tough uses this story to describe how this trip helped him take risks and build character traits that were not formed in school, and how this helped him succeed. I am uncomfortable with comparing a person with the financial means and support to voluntarily quit school, knowing his family is there as a safety net, to go play hooky, and a person living in poverty subjected to various external stresses, but is able to have the self control to focus and better themselves.In the end, the hypothesis Tough proposed early in this book is contradicted by his later chapters, and the question of how all children can succeed is never answered. Implementation of the subject matter is this book is absent besides hugging your children.

Following the footsteps of Jonathan Kozol, Paul Tough employs his significant storytelling abilities to help readers see and feel the plight of children, families and communities trapped in cycles of failure and poverty. How Children Succeed challenges some conventional wisdom on causes of failure (poverty, teacher quality) and contends that nurturing character in children and young adults is the key to success. As a former NYC Teaching Fellow who has lived and worked in multiple communities of cyclical poverty, I'm convinced that Tough has nailed some critical pieces of breaking those cycles.Here is the argument in brief:==============================There exists in our society a troubling and growing achievement gap between the have and the have-nots. The cause of that gap is neither merely poverty nor IQ, but a specific set of non-cognitive skills including executive function and conscientiousness, which Tough calls "character." Children who acquire these skills can break historic cyclical patterns of failure.Malleability of Character and Intelligence==========================================Whereas IQ is hardly malleable, executive function and character strengths - specifically grit, self-control, zest, social intelligence, gratitude, optimism, curiosity and conscientiousness - are far more malleable. These skills are better predictors of academic performance and educational achievement than IQ and therefore ought to be the direct target of interventions.Attachment and Lifelong Health==============================Tough sees two key areas of influence for those who care for those trapped in cycles of poverty. The first is secure early attachment to parents. "The effect of good parenting is not just emotional or psychological, the neuroscientists say; it is biochemical" (28). Specifically, children who experience high levels of stress but NOT responsive and nurturing parents suffer from a range of lifelong health and mental health issues. However, "When mothers scored high on measures of responsiveness, the impact of those environmental factors on their children seemed to almost disappear" (32). Tough cites one study in which "early parental care predicted which students would graduate even more reliably than IQ or achievement test scores" (36). Importantly, interventions that focus on promoting stronger parent-child relationships in high risk groups (including one in which just 1 of 137 infants studied demonstrated secure attachment at the outset) have shown promising impact. Of the 137 children in the study, 61% of those in the treatment group formed secure attachment by age 2, compared with only 2% of the control group.Adolescent Character Formation==============================Paul Tough highlights the work of school and support programs that intentionally focus on forming the character strength habits that enable children to learn well in schools, form healthy relationships, and avoid the destructive decisions and behavior patterns modeled in their communities. Here, too, Tough sees a ray of hope. Just as early intervention with parents and young children yields wide ranging benefits for families in poverty, so character interventions in adolescence can and do enable young adults surrounded by cycles of poverty to learn self-control, perseverance and focus that are critical for escaping the gravitational pull of their communities.Why You Should Read This Book=============================Paul Tough is tackling one of the most challenging - and contentious - issues of our time. His analysis will offend those who tend to blame poverty predominantly on the irresponsible choices of the poor by showing just how powerful the cyclical, environmental pressures are on children raised in these communities. His work is just as challenging to those who think that those trapped in cycles of poverty are mere victims of their environment who bear no responsibility for their decisions. Tough shows compellingly that parents and children in poverty can and do overcome the powerful environmental forces of their communities - and that this is a beautiful and essential component of breaking cyclical poverty. His call is for those with education and influence - the kinds of people who read books like his - to demonstrate motivation and volition (two components of character formation he extols) to recognize, celebrate, and nurture the character of children and families in poverty.Graham ScharfAuthor, The Apprenticeship of Being Human: Why Early Childhood Parenting Matters to Everyone[...]

When listening to news coverage of education reform and talking to parents and teachers one hears a variety of views about what "The Best" approach to education is. Reading How Children Succeed led me to reconsider may of my preconceptions about what's best for kids, and along the way I learned a few things that I can use to help the people I work with succeed.The argument is that these "non-cognitive" or "character skills" -- things like grit, resilience, and resourcefulness, are often a better predictor of eventually success than mastery of academic skills. These non-cognitive skills are not all one needs, but they seem to be the least discussed ones. This is a great book for parents to read, in particular if you are inclined to get into discussions about education policy with your peers. I won't assert that this book will make you a expert, but it should lead to some interesting dialogs (internal and external) which will help you reconsider any idea you had that what worked for you in school was that right thing for your children.

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How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character, by Paul Tough PDF

How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character, by Paul Tough PDF
How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character, by Paul Tough PDF

Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2018

Download , by Clint Johnson

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, by Clint Johnson

Product details

File Size: 12091 KB

Print Length: 320 pages

Publisher: Regnery History (February 12, 2019)

Publication Date: February 12, 2019

Sold by: Simon & Schuster Digital Sales Inc.

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#57,783 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

A great history of destroyers in WWI and WWII. The bravery of the crews were a major factor in controlling the seas on both fronts.

Great history of destroyer development in the U.S. Navy through WWII.

The author has done an outstanding job of presenting the development of the destroyer from the original torpedo boat concept before WWI through the superb destroyers that fought each other in the Atlantic and the Pacific during WWII. Each of the major players, Great Britain, Japan, America and Germany is covered in good detail.The battles they fought, both major and minor, and the tactics they used are carefully laid out for the reader as is the impact they had on the outcome of the wars. You clearly see the impact technology like sonar, radar, the depth charge, Hedgehog, aircraft, and the excellent Japanese Type 93 “Long Lance” torpedo had on the battles too.The stories are riveting and carefully researched and all sides are presented impartially. Each nation is covered fairly and objectively as they battle the others through both World Wars.The histories of many individual destroyers are presented along with the Courage & determination of the men that manned them as are their fates.The technical details of each new class of destroyers are described in understandable terms. You will marvel at the resilient Clemson and Wickes class American destroyers that fought through two world wars and discover surprising new facts about the history of destroyers and their use in the bargain.The evolving destroyer missions across the wars from fighting other surface warships with torpedoes and guns to escorting convoys and warship formations, to seeking out and attacking submarines, to shore bombardment, to rescuing men from the water, to providing radar screening and anti-aircraft protection to other warships etc. are well covered.The book is packed with information and great stories. It is a good read all around.My interest is primarily the WWII U-boat War as my dad was an officer in the U.S. Merchant Marine & had a ship he was serving on torpedoed by a German U-boat. I had no particular expertise or even interest in destroyers before I read this book so a good deal of the information was wasn’t already familiar to me. I have been researching the U-boat War for over 20 years now and I am delighted with the information I found in this book.

Tin Cans & Greyhounds: The Destroyers That Won Two World Wars,Clint Johnson, Regnery Publishing, Washington, D.C., 2019, 307 pages, 46 illustrations, endnotes, bibliography.Some volumes of military history attempt to present comprehensive studies of a particular facet of history, filled with an array of detailed accounts found nowhere else. Others present solid summaries of particular subjects, being intended as a primer or introduction.Clint Johnson’s recent work, Tin Cans & Greyhounds, is something of a synthesis of the two styles noted above. Although the book falls more logically into the latter category—introducing readers to a vast subject that could fill any number of volumes—with the limited scope of the subject matter at hand, Johnson allows for a more detailed view of destroyer operations through the end of World War II.It will surprise some readers to learn that destroyer design and technology predated the 20th Century by several decades, and that Great Britain was at the forefront of such development. The United States (as did Germany) lagged behind Great Britain in this respect. America did not begin to catch up until well into the first decades of the last century. British influence on the Japanese Navy was considerable, and the acquisition of several destroyers of British construction probably influenced the Japanese Navy regarding its destroyer strategy and tactics in war plans subsequent to World War I.Johnson points out that, during the Great War, destroyers had less of an impact on the larger sea battles but far more influence on anti-submarine warfare and escorting of convoys. He relates many accounts concerning those critical duties that greatly influenced the outcome of the war.Although Johnson chronicles incidents and actions too numerous to recount in a review, they include the Honda Point disaster of 8 September 1923, in which the U. S. Navy lost seven destroyers on the rocky coast of California. He also documents the build-up of America’s modern destroyer force during the decade of the 1930s and the transfer of fifty obsolete Wickes-class destroyers to Great Britain under the Lend-Lease program, although Johnson points out that the results of the transfer were less than an unqualified success.Fittingly, following the sinking of the Reuben James (DD-245) in October of 1941, coverage of the exploits of the Ward (DD-139) and her crew off the entrance channel to Pearl Harbor begins Johnson’s coverage of World War II, by year and by theater. At different stages in the text, Johnson details the characteristics of German and Japanese destroyers and their influence on operations in the Atlantic and Pacific theaters. He covers destroyer operations of the American Asiatic Fleet early in the war, the advent of the U. S. Navy’s Fletcher-class, and operations that led to Allied victories in both theaters.The bibliography is a valuable resource by itself, and provides a solid reading list for those wishing to delve deeper into the details of naval architecture and operations. Perhaps Johnson was the victim of his own modesty when he failed to note his primary sources, as his end notes made it clear that he did indeed consult numerous after action reports and deck logs.The selection of the forty-six photographs, though weighted heavily toward the United States Navy, is excellent. One unfortunate aspect of the book design is that the illustrations should have been expanded to fit the width of the pages, an accommodation that would have enhanced the visual appeal of the book.Johnson included an appendix wherein he noted the location of the six destroyer ship museums in the United States.Tin Cans & Greyhounds contains a wealth of detail and is a wonderful resource and stepping off point for those wishing to study the history of destroyer warfare in greater detail. As such, this work is of great value indeed. Doubtless, the fascinating accounts, observations, and insights in this book will spur further interest in naval history. This work is an excellent reference that is well suited for inclusion on any bookshelf devoted to naval history.J. Michael WengerRaleigh, N.C.13 February 2019

For many years I've had tunnel vision focusing more on my ship and project, Project USS STRONG DD467 and the ships in her destroyer squadron 21. Clint's new book Tin Cans & Greyhounds has expanded my view. In the book, he takes the reader through the history of one of the most successful ship classes in warfare history. Not much could have been accomplished without the efforts of destroyer escorts. They were the protectors, the guard dogs and the saviors of many a convoy. They were also successful in dropping more than a few submarines, downing planes and even sinking battleships. If you want a book with comprehensive information on the history of the tin cans, then Clint has done a great job pulling the history together. He travels back and forth easily between the Atlantic and Pacific theaters as the story flows. I highly recommend this book, his first endeavor into the WW2 genre. Congrats Clint!

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Minggu, 07 Oktober 2018

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MICHELIN Guide Hong Kong Macau 2019: Restaurants & Hotels (Michelin Guide/Michelin), by Michelin

Product details

Series: Michelin Guide/Michelin

Paperback: 512 pages

Publisher: Michelin; 11th edition edition (February 15, 2019)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 2067232851

ISBN-13: 978-2067232853

Product Dimensions:

4.6 x 0.7 x 7.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 14.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#331,940 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

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MICHELIN Guide Hong Kong Macau 2019: Restaurants & Hotels (Michelin Guide/Michelin), by Michelin PDF

MICHELIN Guide Hong Kong Macau 2019: Restaurants & Hotels (Michelin Guide/Michelin), by Michelin PDF
MICHELIN Guide Hong Kong Macau 2019: Restaurants & Hotels (Michelin Guide/Michelin), by Michelin PDF

Minggu, 16 September 2018

Download Ebook The Book of the Dead: The History and Legacy of Ancient Egypt’s Famous Funerary Texts, by Charles River Editors

Download Ebook The Book of the Dead: The History and Legacy of Ancient Egypt’s Famous Funerary Texts, by Charles River Editors

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The Book of the Dead: The History and Legacy of Ancient Egypt’s Famous Funerary Texts, by Charles River Editors

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The Book of the Dead: The History and Legacy of Ancient Egypt’s Famous Funerary Texts, by Charles River Editors

Product details

Paperback: 108 pages

Publisher: Independently published (March 16, 2019)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1090688458

ISBN-13: 978-1090688453

Product Dimensions:

8.5 x 0.2 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 12 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#601,966 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

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The Book of the Dead: The History and Legacy of Ancient Egypt’s Famous Funerary Texts, by Charles River Editors PDF

The Book of the Dead: The History and Legacy of Ancient Egypt’s Famous Funerary Texts, by Charles River Editors PDF
The Book of the Dead: The History and Legacy of Ancient Egypt’s Famous Funerary Texts, by Charles River Editors PDF

Selasa, 21 Agustus 2018

Ebook Download , by Charles Eisenstein

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, by Charles Eisenstein

Product details

File Size: 5262 KB

Print Length: 577 pages

Publisher: North Atlantic Books; Reprint edition (February 5, 2013)

Publication Date: February 5, 2013

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#232,429 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Wow. Life changing. I feel like crying as I read it. Articulates so well why in this age of unprecedented material wealth, things somehow still feel so... unsatisfying. It's a relief to be able to name the problem, to understand that we can get there from here. Really, my mind is blown by this book and by The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible.

Eisenstein shows us how our current "Age of Separation" will, and is transforming into the "Age of Reunion". He is deeply knowledgeable about economy, physics, religious traditions, history, and anthropology and supports the idea of a grand re-birthing of the planet by showing the reader how every facet of human knowledge and experience points to the inevitable transcendence of this age of dead materiality. He makes a strong case for the sacredness of everything. How can we destroy (the planet, each other) when all is sacred we're all connected? Beautiful, engaging hopeful, (and dense!) reading for those of us who believe in "a better world our hearts know is possible".

When I purchased this book, it intimidated me, as I am not an academic reader, nor do I typically enjoy intellectual books. The Ascent of Humanity (AOH) at first look appears to be a tome of scientific and philisophical ramblings and speculations---way too esoteric for me, I thought. However, I am taking a class with the author, and when I brought my concerns to him, he encouraged me to take on the book, saying that it was written "with passion".I was convinced, and proceeded to read the book over a period of several days. I couldn't put it down. It is based upon science and philosophy, it's true, but you don't need a background in any academic discipline to read it. All you need is a desire to understand our world, what it has become, and where it is going. AOH is approachable and very readable.However, I would describe the process of reading AOH not as a walk in the park, but as an enjoyable hike to the top of a mountain. On the way, you learn about why our society, why the world even, is in the state it is in, and what can be done about it. The author uses the analogy of the Tower of Babel to illustrate how the separation we have created has not worked; sometimes he also compares what has happened with technology and control to addiction. AOH is written with an optimistic and positive tone about potentially dark times, so that unlike other books that try to tackle the same ideas, you will not end it filled with anger and blame and despair, but filled with hope and understanding and peace---no matter what you think might happen in the future. No matter how difficult the times might be. You'll be okay inside. And you won't be fearful now.Reading AOH for me was an experience that could best be described as a worldview exchange and personal healing that cost me only $25 and forty or so hours of my time and that, now, knowing what it is, I'd do anything for. Because it healed a precious part of me, and gave me a gift. A vital gift that I desperately needed today but that I will need even more in these times that are coming.Highest possible recommendation.*****

...has just become mundane in the shadow of this soul stomping, life changing work. Ascent is a totally captivating and vital journey into the biological and emotional roots of personal and political economic dysfunction. We discover early on in the book that what environmental and political progressives thought to be the roots are merely the topmost branches. Solutions run deeper and way deeper does Mr. Eisenstein dig, reaching into the collective wisdom of not just human life, but indeed all life on the planet in its evolutionary search for union and completion. True, many have alluded to what Mr. Eisenstein so eloquently and painstakingly writes about, but such allusions have become more like cliches passed between New Age pundits, or overused quotes seen on car bumpers and refrigerator magnets. If the New Age phenomenon has given us license to pass on words of wisdom without being wise, Mr. Eisenstein injects meaning into formerly empty words (you will never read a refrigerator magnet the same way again!) Ascent is the most honest and thorough inquiry into what it means to "trust onself" that I have encountered. Trusting oneself appears simple enough until you realize that you have to contend with the tide of intellectual giants like Bacon, Descartes, Adam Smith, Marx--indeed, ten thousand years of civilized history to discover the contortions humanity has gone through to keep us from doing so. Today, as every aspect of living is being colonized by corporations, schools and government, we are faced with an onslaught from "experts" of every imaginable field telling us what to do and how to do it. Mr. Eisenstein insightfully points out what has been staring us in the face all along: what has been left out of the equation of living is living itself. In other words, surviving by the dictates of external authorities is not living at all.

To fully incorporate Eisenstein's observations and conclusions, I am looking very closely how I approach the rest of the universe, from how I impact my environment to how I treat other people. The book is very well researched. He says some things many times, and that might have been necessary. I took a lot of time to read it, a few pages at a time, since the ramifications of his world view require a profound reorientation of how I see myself relating to everything.Challenging and encouraging.

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Selasa, 14 Agustus 2018

Free PDF The Traumatized Brain: A Family Guide to Understanding Mood, Memory, and Behavior after Brain Injury (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book)

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The Traumatized Brain: A Family Guide to Understanding Mood, Memory, and Behavior after Brain Injury (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book)

The Traumatized Brain: A Family Guide to Understanding Mood, Memory, and Behavior after Brain Injury (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book)

The Traumatized Brain: A Family Guide to Understanding Mood, Memory, and Behavior after Brain Injury (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book)

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The Traumatized Brain: A Family Guide to Understanding Mood, Memory, and Behavior after Brain Injury (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book)


"We can thank Drs. Rao and Vaishnavi for this remarkable contribution to patients, families, and clinicians. Few professionals, doctors included, know how to deliver their highly informed knowledge and experience in ways that lay readers can comprehend and use." (New York Journal of Books)"Individuals who have experienced a TBI, as well as their families, will find this book useful and comforting, both for its clear explanations and its clinical guidance." (Library Journal)"The Traumatized Brain puts victims and their families back in command: rewiring the brain, reshaping behaviors, inspiring compassion, and restoring one’s sense of self." ("An approachably human and effectively informative book on a complicated and painful injury." (Johns Hopkins Magazine)"The Traumatized Brain remains a valuable resource for brain-injured clients and their caregivers, and it can help bridge the language reference gap between providers and patients." (PsycCRITIQUES)"Authors Vani Rao and Sandeep Vaishnavi write with a sense of warmth and care that is certain to help those who want to learn more about a timely subject...very accessible for a wide range of readers and an excellent resource." (American Reference Books Annual)"The Traumatized Brain is a great resource for anyone with a loved one who has suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Whether you’re a caregiver, co-worker, friend, or survivor, this book is filled with useful information to help you understand and be prepared for the different symptoms of TBI and how TBI affects the brain." (Amy Zellmer, writer, photographer, and TBI survivor)"This book will challenge and encourage the reader. Whether an interested lay person, a caretaker, a family member, or a professional in the medical, nursing, or social work fields, readers will find this pioneering book a useful guide to the complexities of traumatic brain injury." (From the Foreword by Peter V. Rabins, MD, MPD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, coauthor of The 36-Hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for Persons with Alzheimer Disease, Related Dementing Illnesses, and Memory Loss in Later Life)"If ever there was a book that truly could save your life it would be this one. Drs. Rao and Vaishnavi have written a critical manual for parents, family, essentially anyone, to help recognize and explain the warning signs of a TBI. Without visible symptoms, sufferers have long remained silent or been deemed 'crazy,' but this important book not only details the physiological, cognitive and behavioral changes in the brain, it offers hope through treatment." (Bob Woodruff, ABC News Journalist)"We are faced with an epidemic of traumatic brain injury (TBI) among victims of sports, accidents, and wars. The cognitive, emotional, and behavioral consequences of such injuries are varied and complex. Using a contemporary understanding of cognitive neuroscience and a gift for distilling complex ideas, Drs. Rao and Vaishnavi present a clear and coherent picture of TBI. Informed by their own substantial clinical expertise, they also offer practical advice, making this guide essential reading for caregivers and family members as well as the general clinical practitioner." (Anjan Chatterjee, MD, FAAN, University of Pennsylvania, author of The Aesthetic Brain: How We Evolved to Desire Beauty and Enjoy Art)

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About the Author

Vani Rao, MBBS, MD, is an associate professor and the director of the Brain Injury Clinic and the Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychiatry Fellowship Program within the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Sandeep Vaishnavi, MD, PhD, is the director of the Neuropsychiatric Clinic at Carolina Partners. He is a neuropsychiatrist at the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center, Duke University Medical Center, and is affiliated with Duke’s Departments of Psychiatry and Community and Family Medicine.

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Product details

Series: A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book

Paperback: 224 pages

Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press; 1 edition (November 15, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1421417952

ISBN-13: 978-1421417950

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.5 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 12.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.4 out of 5 stars

30 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#132,603 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This book covers the causes, consequences and treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). It is a great resource for individuals and caregivers of individuals with TBI. The writing is clear, and easy to follow. The authors cover new developments in treatment of TBI. All dimensions of TBI are covered, both physical and psychological. However, there is one significant part missing: what happens to an individual when TBI causes hormonal deficit(s). For example, damage to the pituitary happens often in TBI, and some research indicates that it is more prevalent than previously thought. Perhaps future editions of the book will cover this important dimension of brain injury.

My son has a severe TBI. Even after 20 years there were new items in this book that I learned.

A great book to understand what is happening and the effect on the person and relationships. Everyone should read. The odds of you knowing someone with this problem in your lifetime are high, or like me you may have a concussion. That is another thing where the odds are high. It often happens when you fall.

Not very useful. Way too general. Was looking for insights into brain injury to help my daughter. That just wasn't provided in this book.

I am currently being treated by Dr. Rao after three failed attempts to see other neuropsychiatrists. Her immediate recognition of my TBI has been instrumental in my recovery process.After reading this it is clear that throughout my life I have suffered many of the symptoms described and never been treated for any of them. With her help I was able to get the long term disability that I need and am entitled to in order to begin my healing process.If you've ever had any kind of brain injury, read this book.

Good information for people being introduced to brain injury. In my opinion, not quite enough depth for people dealing with it for years.

Heartbreaking account of my new reality. I loved how you could read or skip the medical Jargan. Good read. I have yet to finish as there are not enough Kleenex in the world to get me through the book, knowing my daughter’s future will never be the same.

This book is a must have for people who have a loved one recovering from a brain injury. Extremely helpful and a must have book. 😊

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The Traumatized Brain: A Family Guide to Understanding Mood, Memory, and Behavior after Brain Injury (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book) PDF

The Traumatized Brain: A Family Guide to Understanding Mood, Memory, and Behavior after Brain Injury (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book) PDF

The Traumatized Brain: A Family Guide to Understanding Mood, Memory, and Behavior after Brain Injury (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book) PDF
The Traumatized Brain: A Family Guide to Understanding Mood, Memory, and Behavior after Brain Injury (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book) PDF