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Download Sweet Valley High # 2: Secrets

Download Sweet Valley High # 2: Secrets

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Sweet Valley High # 2: Secrets

Sweet Valley High # 2: Secrets

Sweet Valley High # 2: Secrets

Download Sweet Valley High # 2: Secrets

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Sweet Valley High # 2: Secrets

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

CHAPTER1Jessica Wakefield smoothed the front of her new Hawaiian-print Roxy dress and held her head high as she strode along the outdoor walkway to her locker at Sweet Valley High. She heard a couple of giggles as she passed by a group of sophomores, but couldn't tell exactly whom they'd come from, so she just shot the whole group a look of death until they all clammed up; then she kept right on walking.Sooner or later the chatter about what had happened to her last Saturday night was going to die down, and if Jessica had anything to say about it, it would be sooner rather than later.Her best friends, Cara Walker and Lila Fowler, stood near the wall up ahead, their heads bent together as they chatted happily. Friendly faces. Thank God."Hey, guys!" Jessica called out, grabbing her lock.Cara instantly closed her cell phone and shoved it behind her back, looking guilty."What was that?" Jessica asked suspiciously."Oh, nothing," Cara said. She turned to her own locker mirror to check her long, dark hair. Then she glanced sidelong at Lila and they both cracked up."You haven't deleted the pictures yet, have you," Jessica accused Cara, whipping open her locker. "Cara! You promised me you'd get rid of them!""We're sorry, Jess, but come on," Lila said, taking Cara's phone out of her hand. "These are hilarious."She held out the phone with her perfectly manicured fingers, as if Jessica really wanted to see how Cara had caught the worst moment of her life on her camera phone. She glanced over, thinking maybe it hadn't been as bad as she recalled, and there she was, pulling herself out of the Sweet Valley High School pool, fully clothed, with black mascara running down her face. In the background, a couple of kids laughed as if they were about to bust something. Nope. It was just as bad as she remembered."I swear, if that little stunt Elizabeth pulled keeps me from getting nominated for homecoming queen, I am going to take pictures of her in the shower and post them on her precious little blog," Jessica ranted, shoving a couple of books into her locker and closing it with a bang."God, Jess. Take a joke," Lila said, rolling her big brown eyes. She fished in her Louis Vuitton backpack for a pot of lip gloss and nudged Cara aside so that she could see her reflection while she applied. "Besides, half the school still thinks it was Liz who got dunked, not you. There's no way you don't make homecoming court."Jessica sighed and looked in her locker mirror. Her shoulder-length blond hair looked perfect, not a strand out of place, and her new blue eyeliner really brought out her stunning Pacific blue eyes. The gold lavaliere necklace she always wore-a present from her parents on her sixteenth birthday-fell just above the neckline of her new dress. She looked perfect today, she knew. But homecoming court votes were already in. Looking perfect today wouldn't help her."You know, technically, we should still dump Liz in the pool," Cara pointed out, her green eyes thoughtful. "The tradition is that the Insider columnist gets dunked, right? Well, Liz is the Insider columnist, but she made us all believe you were her so that you would get dunked. Ergo, she needs to get wet."Jessica smirked. "I like the way you think, Cara Walker.""Since when do you say 'ergo'?" Lila asked, a tiny wrinkle in her otherwise beautiful tan brow."Since I started taking that SAT course," Cara responded with a sniff."Attention, students!" Principal Cooper's voice suddenly boomed over the PA system. "We have your results for this year's homecoming court.""Omigod! This is it!" Jessica gasped, grabbing Lila's and Cara's arms. A sizzle of anticipation raced through the warm California air. Most of the people in the outdoor hallway stopped gabbing so they could hear. Jessica held her breath."First, your candidates for homecoming king," the principal announced. There was a shuffling of papers and he cleared his throat. "They are . . . Winston Egbert.""What?" Jessica cried, causing Lila and Cara to laugh. "Is this the joke court?" Winston was basically the biggest dork in school. Jessica had always thought he looked just like that Waldo guy from the Where's Waldo? books."Ken Matthews," the principal continued."Okay, well at least that makes sense," Jessica added as Ken, the gorgeous, blond captain of the football team, accepted congratulations from his friends down the hall."Bruce Patman."Yes! Jessica cheered silently. She'd had a crush on Bruce ever since she'd known what the word "crush" meant, and she'd been counting on his making the homecoming court."And Todd Wilkins," the principal finished."Shocker," Lila said, rolling her eyes.Of course Elizabeth's perfect boyfriend would make it. If he didn't, he might be less than perfect."And now your candidates for homecoming queen," Principal Cooper continued. "Lila Fowler."Lila preened, flicking her light brown hair over her shoulder and running a fingertip along one plucked eyebrow. The people around her applauded, and Jessica smiled, even though inside she was burning with jealousy and dread. Jealousy that Lila always got everything, dread that her own name might not also be on the list."Enid Rollins.""Okay. Now I know this is a joke," Jessica said."Hey!" Lila protested, whacking her with the back of her hand."What? I mean, Enid? Come on. She might be an even bigger loser than Winston," Jessica said."And she's your sister's best friend," Lila pointed out. "So what does that make Liz?"Jessica shot Lila a silencing look. Jessica could bad-mouth her twin as much as she wanted, but she didn't like it when other people tried to do the same."You get one hot boyfriend and all of a sudden you're homecoming court material," Cara said with a sigh, leaning back against the wall."You think that's why? Because she's going out with Ronnie Edwards?" Jessica asked, incredulous."Well, he's new. He's hot. He's all mysterious and brooding," Cara said with a shrug. "When she snagged him it totally upped her It factor."Jessica pondered this. She'd never quite thought of Ronnie Edwards as mysterious and brooding-more silent and robotic-but she could see how some girls might find him attractive. Maybe Cara was on to something."Elizabeth Wakefield," the principal continued.Oh, please, please, please let the last name be mine! Jessica begged the popularity gods."And Jessica Wakefield," he finished."Yes!" Jessica shouted, jumping up and down.Cara laughed, but Lila shot her a look of disdain. "Very sophisticated, Jess. Not at all embarrassing."Jessica composed herself and accepted congratulations from Ken and his friends as they passed by. Then she saw Bruce himself come around the corner, and it was as if everything just switched into slow motion. He walked down the center of the hall as though he owned the place, his dark hair shiny in the sun, that perpetual smirk in his brown eyes. He was wearing a pristine blue Ralph Lauren sweater and distressed jeans, and looked like he could sail off on his yacht at any second. Which, of course, with his family's money, he could probably do. Jessica watched him until he strolled by, hoping for that rare and coveted hello."Ladies," he said with a brief nod.Jessica almost melted."Wow, Jess. You look like you just saw your first Roberto Cavalli," Lila commented snidely. "Try rolling your tongue back into your mouth."Cara snorted a laugh that brought Jessica back to earth."I don't care what you think, Lila," Jessica said, tossing her hair back. She gave herself a confident, steadying look in the mirror, hoping her crazy heartbeat would chill out before she overheated. "Bruce Patman is going to be mine eventually. And now that we're in homecoming court together, I'm that much closer."

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Product details

Series: Sweet Valley High (Book 2)

Mass Market Paperback: 176 pages

Publisher: Laurel Leaf (April 8, 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9780440422631

ISBN-13: 978-0440422631

ASIN: 0440422639

Product Dimensions:

4 x 0.5 x 6.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.2 ounces

Average Customer Review:

3.6 out of 5 stars

29 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#937,456 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This book features some of Jessica's nastiest and most selfish behavior as she and her sorority pals gang up on overweight Robin, a girl who wants to join their clique. Elizabeth tries to help Robin, but her plan may backfire because it relies on help from notoriously self-absorbed Bruce Patman.Looking at Jessica's nastiness through 21st century eyes is illuminating -- when I read this book as a girl, bullying didn't have nearly the attention that it does today. As a result, the casual treatment of Jessica's cruelty is sometimes jarring. Despite the subject matter, this is still a fun and light read that doesn't go too deep. At the end of the day, even Robin doesn't seem too upset by what happened.Some of the reviews of the paperback version note changes to the text. As far as I can tell, the Kindle version duplicates what I read when I was young (that is, the Wakefield twins are described as size 6, not size 2). If you want to read the original, go with the Kindle version.

Like many 30 and 40 somethings, I discovered the Sweet Valley High universe as a young teen. As a 13 year old, I worshipped these books. 20 years later, I re-read them and was amazed at how hilariously awful they really were. But that was part of the fun, and it didn't diminish my pleasure in them - until I got around to re-reading this one.I was a fat 13 year old. As a result, I was often the subject of ridicule from the Mean Girl types in my class, much like poor Robin Wilson. However, unlike Robin, my extra pounds did not obliterate my brain cells and make me a mouth-breathing idiot. I was not dense enough that I would have thought the Queen Bee of the popular girls wanted me to be her best friend, rather than her slave. I was not completely devoid of pride to the extent that I would have humiliated myself to try to fit in with the cool crowd. Even though I was fat! Yes, Francine Pascal - fat does not equal dumb and unlikable.But the most important difference between Robin Wilson and me was that I never managed to go on a diet and lose a ton of weight to the point where I was unrecognizable, within the space of a few weeks. But because Robin DID drop roughly a hundred pounds (and simultaneously gain a hundred IQ points, because according to Francine, all thin people are smart and likeable) and lived happily ever after with the cool crowd at Sweet Valley High, my impressionable 13 year old self assumed that it was possible to do so. And I tried, and failed, because I didn't know how to eat and exercise in a healthy way. That made me think that I really was destined to be a fat loser for the rest of my life. That's a pretty harsh self-image for a 13 year old. I wonder how many other fat girls read this book and thought less of themselves because of it?With last year's "Sweet Valley Confidential" and this year's "The Sweet Life" hitting the bookstores and e-readers, I've found many fellow former SVH devotees who have also re-discovered the magical world of perfect size 6 figures and Pacific blue eyes. There are whole online communities devoted to snarky discussions of the wonderful awfulness. Taking the Sweet Valley books for what they are - poorly written fairy tales - I can still enjoy them, in a much different manner than when I was a teenager. And yet when it comes to this particular book, there's still a sore place in me that hasn't quite healed.

When I was younger I use to love this book series. I ordered it as a gift for my daughter. I wanted to try and get her into reading. She is a teenager and her main interest is her electronic gadgets. This series seem to have done the trick. She enjoyed the book. And keeps bothering me to buy her the rest. The book came quickly and in excellent condition. I am purchasing the rest of the series.

I think this is a great book!It was very cute and I rate it 5 stars! I am in love with these book and I just want to read them all!I am going on to book 5 and I am so excited to read it!


Best series ever

Brought back so many great memories!I chose the five star rating because it is easy reading and I could relate to the story back then and all these years later I can still relate to how the author conveyed the trials and tribulations of the twins!I would definitely recommend this this story as well as the series to anyone.Way to go Amazon!!

After reading some of the pages in the preview, I realized it's not the original version, but a modernized version of it. I really wanted the original.

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