Selasa, 21 Agustus 2018

Ebook Download , by Charles Eisenstein

Ebook Download , by Charles Eisenstein

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, by Charles Eisenstein

, by Charles Eisenstein

, by Charles Eisenstein

Ebook Download , by Charles Eisenstein

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, by Charles Eisenstein

Product details

File Size: 5262 KB

Print Length: 577 pages

Publisher: North Atlantic Books; Reprint edition (February 5, 2013)

Publication Date: February 5, 2013

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#232,429 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Wow. Life changing. I feel like crying as I read it. Articulates so well why in this age of unprecedented material wealth, things somehow still feel so... unsatisfying. It's a relief to be able to name the problem, to understand that we can get there from here. Really, my mind is blown by this book and by The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible.

Eisenstein shows us how our current "Age of Separation" will, and is transforming into the "Age of Reunion". He is deeply knowledgeable about economy, physics, religious traditions, history, and anthropology and supports the idea of a grand re-birthing of the planet by showing the reader how every facet of human knowledge and experience points to the inevitable transcendence of this age of dead materiality. He makes a strong case for the sacredness of everything. How can we destroy (the planet, each other) when all is sacred we're all connected? Beautiful, engaging hopeful, (and dense!) reading for those of us who believe in "a better world our hearts know is possible".

When I purchased this book, it intimidated me, as I am not an academic reader, nor do I typically enjoy intellectual books. The Ascent of Humanity (AOH) at first look appears to be a tome of scientific and philisophical ramblings and speculations---way too esoteric for me, I thought. However, I am taking a class with the author, and when I brought my concerns to him, he encouraged me to take on the book, saying that it was written "with passion".I was convinced, and proceeded to read the book over a period of several days. I couldn't put it down. It is based upon science and philosophy, it's true, but you don't need a background in any academic discipline to read it. All you need is a desire to understand our world, what it has become, and where it is going. AOH is approachable and very readable.However, I would describe the process of reading AOH not as a walk in the park, but as an enjoyable hike to the top of a mountain. On the way, you learn about why our society, why the world even, is in the state it is in, and what can be done about it. The author uses the analogy of the Tower of Babel to illustrate how the separation we have created has not worked; sometimes he also compares what has happened with technology and control to addiction. AOH is written with an optimistic and positive tone about potentially dark times, so that unlike other books that try to tackle the same ideas, you will not end it filled with anger and blame and despair, but filled with hope and understanding and peace---no matter what you think might happen in the future. No matter how difficult the times might be. You'll be okay inside. And you won't be fearful now.Reading AOH for me was an experience that could best be described as a worldview exchange and personal healing that cost me only $25 and forty or so hours of my time and that, now, knowing what it is, I'd do anything for. Because it healed a precious part of me, and gave me a gift. A vital gift that I desperately needed today but that I will need even more in these times that are coming.Highest possible recommendation.*****

...has just become mundane in the shadow of this soul stomping, life changing work. Ascent is a totally captivating and vital journey into the biological and emotional roots of personal and political economic dysfunction. We discover early on in the book that what environmental and political progressives thought to be the roots are merely the topmost branches. Solutions run deeper and way deeper does Mr. Eisenstein dig, reaching into the collective wisdom of not just human life, but indeed all life on the planet in its evolutionary search for union and completion. True, many have alluded to what Mr. Eisenstein so eloquently and painstakingly writes about, but such allusions have become more like cliches passed between New Age pundits, or overused quotes seen on car bumpers and refrigerator magnets. If the New Age phenomenon has given us license to pass on words of wisdom without being wise, Mr. Eisenstein injects meaning into formerly empty words (you will never read a refrigerator magnet the same way again!) Ascent is the most honest and thorough inquiry into what it means to "trust onself" that I have encountered. Trusting oneself appears simple enough until you realize that you have to contend with the tide of intellectual giants like Bacon, Descartes, Adam Smith, Marx--indeed, ten thousand years of civilized history to discover the contortions humanity has gone through to keep us from doing so. Today, as every aspect of living is being colonized by corporations, schools and government, we are faced with an onslaught from "experts" of every imaginable field telling us what to do and how to do it. Mr. Eisenstein insightfully points out what has been staring us in the face all along: what has been left out of the equation of living is living itself. In other words, surviving by the dictates of external authorities is not living at all.

To fully incorporate Eisenstein's observations and conclusions, I am looking very closely how I approach the rest of the universe, from how I impact my environment to how I treat other people. The book is very well researched. He says some things many times, and that might have been necessary. I took a lot of time to read it, a few pages at a time, since the ramifications of his world view require a profound reorientation of how I see myself relating to everything.Challenging and encouraging.

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, by Charles Eisenstein PDF

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