Sabtu, 12 Mei 2018

Free PDF The Meaning of Tango: The Story of the Argentinian Dance, by Christine Denniston

Free PDF The Meaning of Tango: The Story of the Argentinian Dance, by Christine Denniston

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The Meaning of Tango: The Story of the Argentinian Dance, by Christine Denniston

The Meaning of Tango: The Story of the Argentinian Dance, by Christine Denniston

The Meaning of Tango: The Story of the Argentinian Dance, by Christine Denniston

Free PDF The Meaning of Tango: The Story of the Argentinian Dance, by Christine Denniston

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The Meaning of Tango: The Story of the Argentinian Dance, by Christine Denniston


"Britain's leading authority on the Tango."  —BBC Radio 2

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About the Author

Christine Denniston is a former theater director who has been teaching the tango for more than 20 years and was the first non-Argentinian to teach the dance in Buenos Aires.

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Product details

Hardcover: 224 pages

Publisher: Anova Books (May 28, 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1906032165

ISBN-13: 978-1906032166

Product Dimensions:

5 x 0.9 x 8 inches

Shipping Weight: 12.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.6 out of 5 stars

28 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#252,176 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This excellent book explains both the historical development of the Tango and also the actual dance technique of the Golden Age. I have a lot of books on the Tango and this is my favorite. I have lived many years in South America and can see that the author has spent a lot of time in Argentina and understands that culture. Thus, she has a profound understanding of the Tango, which is quite rare for a foreigner.First, the book does a great job of explaining how immigration and the various cultural / social forces in Buenos Aires influenced the development of the Tango. It is not just a dry, factual history; but rather shows how important details of the dance are based the social forces at work during the time the Tango was developed.Second, the technique section focuses on how to maintain an emotional connection between the two partners throughout the dance. It explains the posture and steps from a heartfelt place rather than merely from a mechanical approach. This helps us dancers develop a smoother, more fluid style that creates a pleasing experience for both partners.Finally, one thing I especially liked about this book was that it was not highly personal. Rather than focusing on the author’s personal life or emotional needs, it was clearly focused on the Tango. This book has become my top reference book on the Tango. Five stars!

It is rare for me to find a book on any dance that really excites and interests me. This was one of those rare books. Denniston explores the history of the tango without resorting to a list of dates and figures. Instead she focuses on the grand themes of the dance's unique history and how that shaped the way the dance developed and is viewed by its devotees. She also covers the fundamental techniques of the dance without becoming dry and boring. Instead she shows how the meaning and purpose of the dance influence the technique. Overall, this is a very enjoyable book on the tango. Not an academic book, but more a devotional book with very accessible writing on the history, culture, meaning, and technique of Argentine tango.If I have any criticism of the book, it is that the author could have offered some direct quotes or experiences from the dancers she consulted for the book. She places much emphasis on the Golden Age of the tango, how the dance developed, and the meaning those dancers derived from the dance. I enjoyed the focus she placed on these Golden Age dancers throughout the book; however, I felt she could have explored it even further and made it come alive even more if she had offered some direct quotes and experiences from the dancers she talked to. Despite this, the book is an excellent overview of the history, culture, meaning, and technique of the dance, and I greatly enjoyed it!

I just received and started reading THE MEANING OF TANGO by Christine Denniston and got as far as page 53 at which point I loved the book for its cultural details (I would never have guessed that it was not unusual for women of this period to know how to lead: there were no classes for women and, if they did not learn from fathers, brothers, etc, they learned from mothers, sisters, etc. and some women were excellent leads.) but, it turns out, I was sent a defective 2007 edition which is missing the correct text for 6 pages which have, instead, been printed with duplicates of other pages that are in their correct sequence.I did not immediately realize that this was not the edition I ordered. The 2008 edition is the only edition actually on the website but, perhaps, is treating them as interchangeable. In any case, has agreed to send a replacement. I am not sure what to say about the different editions.When I get further into the book, I will add more detail to this review.

Bought this for my wife when we first started taking tango lessons. Several years later, it's been passed around through nearly the entire club and quite a few other dancers have picked up copies of their own. Worth your time if you're interested in the history of tango.

The best part of this book is Part 1 in which the author covers the history of argentine tango, its step child ballroom tango and the early preparation of dancers in the Golden Age. Inexperienced leaders danced in practicas for years before an experienced leader as a kind of sponsor would invite them to a milonga. The leader's responsibility was to be so well prepared that the follower did no wrong on the dance floor. She describes the culture of courtesy to the follower in the tanda and at the milonga and the codes. This is really the heart of the book. I also liked her review of the orchestras and their musical styles which comes in the latter part of the book.In between those two sections, the book is devoted to dance technique. As a tango dancer since 1997, I do not believe tango technique can be learned from a book-the subtleties and the connection are far and away too important. If you dance argentine tango, I recommend it for your bookshelf.Wonderfully, tango is now a UNESCO World Heritage dance. If you have read this review and do not dance tango...introduce yourself to the reality of a dance like no other.

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The Meaning of Tango: The Story of the Argentinian Dance, by Christine Denniston PDF

The Meaning of Tango: The Story of the Argentinian Dance, by Christine Denniston PDF

The Meaning of Tango: The Story of the Argentinian Dance, by Christine Denniston PDF
The Meaning of Tango: The Story of the Argentinian Dance, by Christine Denniston PDF

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